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As a member of Medical Decision Makers, you will periodically receive invitations to participate in high-quality paid research  studies. These  studies, specifically for physicians, may be in the form of online surveys, one-on-one telephone interviews, online focus groups, in-person focus groups and more. Below are some general things to keep in mind to help you maximize the value of your Medical Decision Makers membership.

  • Your Professional Profile: Once you join Medical Decision Makers you will be presented with three brief “profiles”: Personal, Physician and Medical Practice. Fill these out as completely as you can.  The more information you provide in your profiles the better we will be at inviting you to relevant research opportunities that you are likely to qualify for.
  • Qualification Rates: Every research study has a target audience in mind. For example, a study may require interviews with Oncologist that have experience prescribing a specific drug. Often we will not know if you meet the specific requirements without asking several additional questions. These are known as “screener” questions and every online survey you take will have them. Sometimes the screener portion of the survey will last up to 5 minutes.  We know it can be discouraging to spend 5 minutes taking a survey to find out you don’t qualify for it. Fortunately, the average qualification rate for our online studies  is  nearly 45%, so if you don’t qualify for one study the odds are you will qualify for the next.
  • Invitations: Invitations to research opportunities will  be delivered to your email inbox.  We will include three important pieces of information in your invitations: Time requirement, honoraria amount and general qualification criteria.  Participation is  always at your convenience so these three pieces of information may help you decide if you want to participate and help you plan your valuable time.
  • Honoraria: Honorarium amounts vary by study. Typically, we offer $15 to $30 for an online survey depending on the specific details of the research. Honoraria for one-on-one interviews or focus groups are higher. Our goal is to pay honoraria within six weeks of closing the research study. You will be able to track your research history and earned honoraria via your Medical Decision Makers dashboard. Final rewards are redeemable via Amazon gift cards or VISA prepaid debit cards.
  • Time Commitment: The average length of our online research surveys is almost 25 minutes.  You are very busy and may not be able to complete the entire survey in one sitting. Almost all surveys allow you to pause your survey and begin again at a later time, but sometimes technical issues arise. It at all possible, to avoid potential issues carve out the appropriate amount of time and complete the entire survey in one sitting.

Our research clients include pharmaceutical companies, device and equipment manufacturers, management consultants, academic researchers, healthcare marketers and more. Below are examples of research studies Medical Decision Makers members have participated in recently:

Target Audience
Allergists Nephrologists
Anesthesiologists Neonatologists
Cardiologists Neurologists
Child Psychiatrists Neurosugeons
Dermatologists OB-GYNs
Endocrinologists Oncologists
Gastroenterologists Pedatricians
General Practitioners Pediatric Cardiologists
General Surgeons Plastic Surgeons
Hematologists Psychiatrists
Hematology-Oncologists Pulmonologists
Hospitalists Radiologists
Immunologists Rheumatologists
Infectious Disease Urologists
Acquired Hemophilia Major depressive disorder
ADHD Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
Botulinum toxin MRSA
Clinical Decision Support Tools Multiple myeloma
Co-pay program utilization Non-small cell lung cancer
Disease modifcation Pain management
Dyslipidemia Parkinson’s and Deep Brain Stimulation
Electronic medical records Preterm Labor
Fragile X syndrome Prostate cancer
Hepatitis C Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Hypogonadism Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Secondary hyperparathyroidism
Leukemia Surgical complication outcomes
Light Chain Amyloidosis Type 2 Diabetes

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